Vol. 12. no 4 - 2nd ALERT: Measles
Vol. 12. no 5 - CALL FOR VIGILANCE: Cases of pertussis (whooping cough) in Nunavik
Vol. 12. no 6 - STBBIs: Worrying Rise in Cases of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in Nunavik
Vol. 11. no 1 - Infection invasive à streptocoque du groupe a (IISGA) (French)
Vol. 11. no 2 - Éosinophilie et trichinellose (trichinose) (French)
Vol. 11. no 3 - Botulism outbreak in France
Vol. 11. no 4 - Alert: Measles
Vol. 11. no 5 - Alert: Outbreak of infections with invasive Type A Haemophilus influenzae (Hi)
Vol. 10, no 1 - Whooping Cough (French)
Vol. 10, no 2 - Déclaration des MADO (French)
Vol. 10, no 3 - Grippe H3N2 (French)
Vol. 10, no 4 - Appel à la vigilance, orthopoxvirus simien (monkeypox) (French)
Vol. 10, no 5 - Call for vigilance: monkeypox
Vol. 10, no 6 - Overdose Alert
Vol. 10, no 7 - Call for vigilance: monkeypox (French)
Vol. 10, no 8 - Call for vigilance: Risk of opioids overdoses (French)
Vol. 10, no 9 - Call for vigilance: monkeypox
Vol. 10, no 10 - Call for vigilance: monkeypox
Vol. 10, no 11 - Meningococcal Outbreak in Florida (French)
Vol. 10, no 12 - Ebola (French)
Vol. 10, no 13 - Call for vigilance: respiratory viruses (French)
Vol. 9, no 1 - Syphilis
Vol. 9, no 2 - Mycoplasma genitalium
Vol. 9, no 3 - Opioids
Vol. 9, no 4 - Hepatitis A (French)
Vol. 9, no 5 - Hepatitis A (French)
Vol. 8, no 1 - Coronavirus (French)
Vol. 8, no 2 - Coronavirus (French)
Vol. 8, no 3 - Overdoses
Vol. 8, no 4 - HIV-IPPAP (French)
Vol. 8, no 5 - Tuberculosis (French)
Vol. 8, no 6 - Opioids
Vol. 1, no 1 - Cryptosporidiosis
Vol. 1, no 2 - Haemophilus influenza type a
Vol. 2, no 1 - Call for vigilance - Travelers infected by Chikungunya Virus (CHIK)
Vol. 2, no 3 - Animal bites and rabies (French)
Vol. 2, no 4 - Blood Mercury and Research Projects in Nunavik
Vol. 3, no 1 - Immunization coverage in schools - 2013-2014 (French)
Vol. 3, no 2 - Conjunctivitis (French)
Vol. 3, no 3 - Measles (French)
Vol. 3, no 5 - Tuberculose à Salluit (French)
Vol. 3, no 6 - Conjonctivite neonatale et onguent ophtalmique (French)
Vol. 4, no 1 - Appel à la vigilence, virus Zika
Vol. 5, no 1 - Call for vigilance Syphillis
Vol. 5, no 2 - Health professional role_reseach project
Vol. 5, no 3 - Traveller alert
Vol. 5, no 3 - Vigie santé des voyageurs (French)
Vol. 5, no 4 - Vigilance rehaussée, oreillons (French)
Vol. 6, no 1 - Management of reports of MADOs of chemical origin
Vol. 6, no 2 - Foodborne botulism
Vol. 7, no 1 - Measles
Vol. 7, no 2 - Measles
Vol. 7, no 3 - Gonorrhoeae
Call for Vigilance
2023-10 - Respiratory viruses – Fall 2023
2023-05 - Possible overdoses with psychoactive substances in Nunavik
2023-04 - Trichinellose (trichinose) - annex to Info-Mado vol.11 no2
2023-03 - Danger of poisoning: opioid overdoses
2023-02 - Turbeculosis (French)
2022-12 - Respiratory viruses (French)
Notice to Clinicians
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Malichita Brand and Rudy Brand Cantaloupes
Update 2023: Avian Influenza