Tuberculosis (TB) Toolbox

Under the coordination of the Nunavik Public Health Department, this TB toolbox brings together all the tuberculosis assessment and follow-up protocols and documents used at regional level in Nunavik's two health centers.

Its objectives are to :

  • standardize tuberculosis clinical and public health practice guidelines at regional level;
  • support and guide the interventions of the various professionals involved in tuberculosis control.

It is the fruit of consultation and consensus-building between all institutional and professional partners involved in the regional fight against tuberculosis.

This TB toolbox is regularly updated and improved with the gradual addition of new tools.

Definition of a priority village :

Village with the highest risk of recent TB transmission, based on epidemiological indicators such as the number of recent smear-positive TB cases in the community, the number of recent infections that have been identified, and the historical burden of TB and LTBI. Each village is assigned a score based on these indicators and adjusted according to its population size; on this basis, a village can then be classified as a "priority village" for tuberculosis.

List of priority villages drawn up by the Public Health Department:

  • Puvirnituq
  • Akulivik
  • Salluit
  • Kangiqsualujjuaq
  • Kangiqsujuaq
  • Inukjuak
  • Ivujivik
1ère diffusionMise à jour
Roles and responsibilities of TB interveners in Nunavik2023-10-022023-10-01
Guide to use of TB tools: Dashboard2023-10-022023-10-01
Prescription of LTBI medication1èrediffusionMise à jour
Prescription of LTBI medication – 3HP2024-04-172024-04-16
Prescription of LTBI medication - RIF2023-10-022024-03-14
Prescription of LTBI medication – INH DOT2023-10-022024-03-14
Prescription of LTBI medication – INH daily2023-10-022024-03-14
Prescription of LTBI medication – 3HP window-period2024-04-172024-04-16
Prescription of LTBI medication - RIF window-period2023-10-022024-03-14

LTBI follow-up protocols
Follow-up protocol – 3HP2024-04-172024-04-16
Follow-up protocol - RIF2023-10-022023-10-01
Follow-up protocol – INH Daily and DOT2023-10-022023-10-01
Follow-up protocol – 3HP window-period2024-04-172024-04-16
Follow-up protocol – RIF window-period2023-10-022023-10-01

Registration of the LTBI medication
Registration of the medication – 3HP2024-04-172024-04-16
Registration of the medication - RIF2023-10-022023-10-01
Registration of the medication – INH DOT2023-10-022023-10-01
Registration of the medication – INH daily2023-10-022023-10-01

Compliance curve
Compliance curve – RIF2023-10-022024-04-22
Compliance curve – INH daily2023-10-022023-10-01

Clinical assessment
Adverse reactions of the main TB treatments2023-10-022023-10-01
Weekly clinical assessment – 3HP2024-04-172024-04-16
Monthly clinical assessment – RIF / INH DIE / INH TOD2020-03-252023-10-02

Clinical and radiological follow-up
Clinical and radiological follow-up guide2023-10-022024-04-22
STANDARD clinical and radiological follow-up - Clinical evaluation and medical action2023-10-022023-10-01
ADDITIONAL clinical and radiological follow-up - Clinical evaluation and medical action2023-10-022023-10-01
Déclaration MADO1èrediffusionMise à jour
Reportable diseases form (available in French only)2023-10-022023-10-01
Reportable diseases form – dynamic version (available in French only)2023-10-022023-10-01

Appendix 4
Appendix 42023-10-022023-10-01

Identification of contacts of an active TB case
Procedure for identification of contacts of an active TB case2023-10-0252023-10-01
Identification of contacts of an active TB case2023-10-022024-01-18

Commitment contract
Procedure for commitment contract relative to mandatory treatment2023-10-022023-10-01
Commitment contract relative to mandatory treatment 2023-10-022023-10-01

Home isolation
Procedure for home isolation2020-03-252023-10-01
Home isolation – Instructions to follow - Inuktitut2023-10-022023-10-01
Home isolation – Instructions to follow - English2023-10-022023-10-01
Home isolation – Instructions to follow - French2023-10-022023-10-01

Prescription of active TB medication
Prescription of active TB medication – Phase 1 - Adult2023-10-022024-03-14
Prescription of active TB medication – Phase 2 - Adult2023-10-022024-03-14
Prescription of active TB medication – Phase 1 - Child2023-10-022024-03-14
Prescription of active TB medication – Phase 2 - Child2023-10-022024-03-14

Active TB follow-up protocol
Active TB follow-up protocol2023-10-022023-10-01

Registration of the active TB medication
Procedure - Registration of the active TB medication2023-10-012023-04-04
Registration of the active TB medication – Phase 12023-10-022023-10-01
Registration of the active TB medication – Phase 22023-10-022023-10-01

Monthly clinical assessment
Adverse reactions of the main TB treatments2023-10-022023-10-01
Monthly clinical assessment2023-10-022023-10-01

Treatment outcome
Treatment outcome2023-10-022023-10-01

Clinical and radiological follow-up
Clinical and radiological follow-up guide2023-10-022024-04-22
STANDARD clinical and radiological follow-up - Clinical evaluation and medical action2023-10-022023-10-01
ADDITIONAL clinical and radiological follow-up - Clinical evaluation and medical action2023-10-022023-10-01
1ère diffusionMise à jour
Patient education
Talking tuberculosis – An educational resource – By Health Canada 2022-06-082015-04

The tools contained in this section are reserved for use in a mass screening context only, according to the communities targeted below.

Mass (or population) screening applies to an entire population or a large group of them, is characterized by the absence of individual selection criteria, and is organized as part of a public health campaign.

It thus differs from individual screening, which is indicated by criteria specific to the individual, such as exposure to a person with active TB or the presence of TB symptoms.

Public cible : tout intervenant dédié aux tâches TB (infirmièr.e de santé publique, infirmièr.e dédié.e aux tâches TB, médecins en charge de suivis TB) et tout autre intervenant intéressé.

Rappel :

  • La capsule « Immunisation - Registre de vaccination du Québec - SI-PMI » est accréditée.
  • Les autres capsules ne sont pas accréditées.
  • Pour les employés du CSI et du CSTU, le temps de formation est rémunéré sur autorisation de votre employeur.

Modalités d’accès : Pour recevoir les liens d’accès aux différentes capsules de formation, compléter le formulaire.

1 èrediffusion Mise à jour
Enjeux en santé autochtone

PDF de présentation
Durée : 1 h 15

Contenu :

  • Histoire des Inuit
  • Traumatismes intergénérationnels
  • Modèle de santé Inuit
  • Sécurisation culturelle des soins
2023-04 2023-04
Programme PHO

PDF de présentation
Durée : 15 min

Contenu :

  • Qui sont les PHO? Que font-ils?
  • Projet Pilote
  • Programme de formation
  • Projet de recherche McGill
2023-04 2023-04
TB 101

PDF de présentation
Durée : 2 heures
Contenu :

  • Histoire naturelle de la tuberculose : transmission et évolution
  • Tableau clinique de l’infection tuberculeuse latente (ITL)
  • Tableau clinique de la tuberculose (TB) active
  • Procédures diagnostiques en TB :
    • Évaluation clinique
    • Test Cutané à la Tuberculine (TCT)
    • Radiographie pulmonaire
    • Prélèvements d’échantillons respiratoires
2020-04 2022-08
TB 201

PDF de présentation
Durée : 1h30

Contenu :

  • Vaccination contre la tuberculose
  • Traitement de l’ITL
  • Traitement de la TB active
  • Prophylaxie période-fenêtre
2020-04 2022-08
TB 301

PDF de présentation
Durée : 3h
Contenu :

  • Introduction
  • Outils d’investigations diagnostiques
  • Outils de suivi d’un patient ITL
  • Outils de suivi d’un patient TB active
2022-08 2022-08
Cardex TB (à l’intention des intervenants du CSI seulement)

PDF de présentation
Durée : 45 min

Contenu :

  • Présentation générale de l’outil Cardex TB
  • Objectifs du Cardex TB
  • Qui complète le Cardex TB ?                    
  • Où trouver le Cardex TB ?
  • Présentation détaillée du Cardex TB
  • Présentation d’un panier des tâches
  • Astuces à connaître
  • Points à retenir
2023-04 2023-04
Technique du TCT

Durée : 7 min
Contenu :

  • Avant, pendant et après un TCT
Immunisation - Registre de vaccination du Québec - SI-PMI

Durée :1 h
Contenu :

  • Utilisation des différentes fonctions disponibles dans le registre de vaccination du Québec SI-PMI
Saisie du TCT dans SI-PMI

PDF de présentation
Durée : 20 min
Contenu :

  • Particularités à connaître pour la saisie des TCT dans SI-PMI
2023-04 2023-04

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