
Complaint-Review System
Your Rights 
Filing a complaint
Who can file a complaint
How to Reach the Service-Quality and Complaints Commissioner 


Complaint-Review System

All users of the health and social services network who believe their rights have been infringed on or are dissatisfied with the services received may express their dissatisfaction or file a complaint. 

The complaint-review system is a procedure that ensures: 

  • evaluation and processing of complaints filed by users; 
  • support for users in their complaint-filing proceedings. 

The regional board actively worked at establishing the structure enabling the management and promotion of the complaints system in the region. In collaboration with both institutions, resources have been identified to assist and support Nunavimmiut, as needed, who wish to file complaint with an institution of the region, the regional board or the ombudsman, as well as those whose complaint has been forwarded to the institution’s council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists in accordance with the provisions of section 58. 


Your Rights 

As a user of the health and social services network, you have the following rights: 

  • to be informed: 
    • about the status of your health; 
    • about the care available to you and the effects; 
    • about services available in your area and how to obtain them; 
  • to receive personalized and adequate health and social services that are scientifically, humanly and socially appropriate; 
  • to be informed of all accidents occurring during the provision of services, if these accidents may have consequences on your health; 
  • to choose the professional or institution that will provide the care and services that you need;
  • to be sufficiently informed so as to be able to participate freely in decisions concerning you, for instance, to accept or refuse care or services;
  • to consult your user file, which is confidential;
  • to receive emergency care;
  • to be treated with courtesy, fairness and in a safe manner, as well as with respect for your dignity, autonomy and needs;
  • to receive services in English if English is your first language, as provided for in your region’s access program;
  • to be accompanied, assisted or represented by a person of your choice when need;
  • if you feel your rights have not been respected:
    • to be informed about what you can do;
    • to file a complaint confidentially;
    • to be assisted or accompanied in the procedure. 



For more information, we invite you to visit the MSSS website concerning the health and social services network complaint-review system. The information is only available in French and in English. 


Filing a Complaint

Filing a complaint is a constructive action that ensures that users’ rights are respected and helps improve the quality of health and social services.

The complaint examination procedure allows a user to file a verbal or written complaint about the health or social services they received, they should have received, or they should receive. (…)

Filing a complaint is a confidential procedure. Also, the person who files a complaint is always protected from any form of retaliation. The complaint procedure can be stopped at any time.

It is also important to mention that at all time during the process, you can be assisted by a person of your choice.


Who can file a complaint?

  • The user or his/her representative
  • The heir or legal representative of a deceased user

Anyone who realizes that the rights of a user or a group of users have not been respected can report the situation to the service-quality and complaints commissioner.

For example:

  • If you feel you didn’t get the information you should have received regarding a treatment
  • If you received care without giving your consent
  • If you were treated in a disrespectful manner
  • If you did not receive the care you should have received

You can report the situation to the complaints commissioner. This is a best way to limit the possibility of a similar situation happening in the future.


How to Reach the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner


Regarding the services provided by UTHC:

Mrs. Lizzie Johannes
By email:
Toll-free number: 1 833 964-2905 ext. 231
By phone:  819 964-2905 ext. 231

Regarding the services provided by IHC and ULLIVIK:

Mr. Josi Nappatuk
By email:
Toll-free number: 1 888 988-2669
By phone:  819 988-2957 ext. 360

Regional services

Mr. Martin Manseau (interim)
By email:
Toll-free number: 1-833-428-4242
By phone:  819 964-2905 ext. 231