Nunavik Elder Safety Day

A Commitment to Protecting Our Elders

Celebrating Our Elders, Safeguarding Their Well-being

The well-being of our elders is at the heart of our communities. Respecting and honoring them is not only a cherished cultural tradition but also a responsibility we must uphold with utmost care. Recognizing the significance of elder safety, the Nunavik Regional Health and Social Services Board (NRBHSS) took a significant step forward by launching the inaugural Nunavik Elder Safety Day on June 15th, 2024.

Campaign objectives

Elder abuse is a serious issue that affects communities worldwide, and Nunavik is no exception. Despite being a taboo subject, it is essential to address this issue openly to protect our elders from harm. The Nunavik Elder Safety Day was conceived as part of the NRBHSS's broader Action Plan for Elder Safety, which focuses on prevention, detection, and intervention strategies to combat elder abuse. Our goal was to raise awareness, educate the community, and empower individuals to take action in ensuring the safety and dignity of our elders.

Key Elements of the Campaign

The campaign, which ran from June 10th to June 15th, 2024, included several impactful elements aimed at engaging the community and fostering a culture of respect and care for our elders:

  1. A Facebook campaign aimed at celebrating elders and fostering community kindness. The public will be asked to share examples of acts of kindness towards elders for a chance to win prizes.
  2. In addition, a call for projects has been shared with community elder coordinators, inviting them to organize activities to highlight Nunavik Elder Safety Day.
  3. Finally, promoting the campaign on TNI will allow us to amplify our message and reach a wider audience.

How It Went

The inaugural Nunavik Elder Safety Day was a resounding success. The community’s response was overwhelmingly positive, with numerous acts of kindness shared on social media, and a significant number of community-led initiatives took place in various villages. These activities not only raised awareness but also strengthened the bonds within our communities, reminding everyone of the critical role our elders play in our lives.

Looking Ahead: Nunavik Elder Safety Day 2025

Given the success of this year’s campaign, we are committed to making Nunavik Elder Safety Day an annual event. The NRBHSS will continue to work closely with communities to expand on this year’s achievements, ensuring that the safety and well-being of our elders remain a priority.

As we plan for the next Elder Safety Day in 2025, we invite all community members to stay engaged, share ideas, and participate in making Nunavik a safer place for our elders. Together, we can build a community where elders are cherished, protected, and treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Stay Informed

For more information about the Nunavik Elder Safety Campaign and how you can get involved, visit our website regularly, follow the Health board on Facebook, or contact our team.

We are here to support and guide you in any way we can.