Out of Region Services

The Out of Region Services Department assumes an important role in terms of access to services for the Nunavik population by ensuring management of the Nunavik non-insured health benefits (NIHB) Nunavik program and by ensuring regional management of the Inuit Child First  Initiative (CFI) Nunavik.

These two programs aim to mitigate health inequalities for beneficiaries of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) by fostering access to health care, services or products that are not readily available to eligible Nunavimmiut.

The NIHB Nunavik program is accessible to all eligible beneficiaries and CFI to those under 18 years of age. There are many similarities and links between the two programs and their joint management aims to place the issue of access to services at the core of the Department of Out of Region Services’ mission.

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