A board of directors composed of 20 members oversees the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services (NRBHSS). (ARHSS section 530.30)
The board of directors of the regional board shall be composed of the following persons as and when they are appointed:
- one representative appointed by each northern village included in the territory defined in section 2 of the Act respecting northern villages and the Kativik Regional Government (Chapter V-6.1);
- the executive director of each institution and another person appointed by the members of the board of directors of each institution, chosen from among the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of section 530.13;
- a regional councillor appointed by the board of directors of the Kativik Regional Government;
- the executive director of the regional board.
With the exception of the executive director, the term of office of the directors shall be three years. At the expiry of their term, they shall remain in office until they are replaced or reappointed.
In addition to its administrative functions, the board is responsible for identifying priorities for the population in terms of health and social services, priorities that are subject to the NRBHSS annual public information session.
The law mandates a majority of Inuit members on the boards of the NRBHSS and other institutions.
Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The board of directors administers the business of the regional board. It exercises all the powers of the regional board. It defines the strategic orientations of the regional board and exercises its responsibilities, in accordance with the province-wide orientations, while favouring networking with the local, regional and provincial partners.
The board of directors has the following functions:
- identifying the priorities regarding the needs of the population to be served and the services to be offered to that population, accounting for the distinctive sociocultural and linguistic characteristics of that population and the distinctive subregional and socioeconomic characteristics of the region, and developing orientations in this regard;
- allocating equitably the human, physical and financial resources made available to it, accounting for the same distinctive characteristics as those contemplated in paragraph a) and ensuring their economical and efficient use;
- appointing the executive director of the regional board;
- appointing the senior administrators;
- appointing the regional service quality and complaints commissioner in accordance with section 63 of the act;
- adopting the strategic plan and the annual management report;
- presenting the regional board’s priorities regarding health services and social services and its annual activity report to the public at a public information meeting;
- approving the management and accountability agreement;
- approving the financial statements;
- monitoring performance and accountability for results.
Reference: Act, s. 63, 182.1, 385.1, 385.7, 391, 405, 405.1, 530.2, 530.27 and 530.31.2.
Composition of the Board of Directors, 2024-2025
- Chairperson: Victoria Tukkiapik
- Vice Chairperson: Claude Gadbois
- Secretary: Jennifer Munick-Watkins
- Executive Committee Member: Sally Nuktie
- Executive Committee Member: Mary Johannes
- Puvirnituq: Annie K. Novalinga
- Kuujjuaraapik: Linda Kowcharlie
- Umiujaq: Mina Tookalook
- Inukjuak: Peter Inukpuk
- Akulivik: Joanasi Aliqu
- Ivujivik: Peter Iyaituk
- Salluit: Casey Mark
- Kangirsujuaq: Sally Nuktie
- Quaqtaq: Victoria Tukkiapik
- Kangirsuk: Vacant
- Aupaluk: Maggie Akpahatak
- Tasiujaq: Vaijuula Saunders
- Kuujjuaq: Mary Johannes
- Kangiqsualujjuaq: David Annanack
- KRG Representative: Adamie Alayco
- NRBHSS Executive Director: Jennifer Munick-Watkins
- UTHC Executive Director: Larry Watt
- IHC Executive Director: Sarah Beaulne
- IHC Representative: Samuili Qumaluk
- Board of Tulattavik Representative: Claude Gadbois