Children, Youth and Family

In Nunavik, there are three types of services for families in difficulty: 

Community and social services
Youth-protection services 
Rehabilitation services 
Nunavimmi Ilagiit Papatauvinga

Community and social services 

Community and social services are available to the population (0 to 100 years) under the Act respecting health services and social services (ARHSSS). They are the main gateway to front-line social services. These services are offered exclusively on a voluntary basis. 
Services for families in difficulty are adapted according to a family’s needs; they vary from periodic support to long-term follow-up. Some examples are: 

  • financial or material support to respond to the food or clothing needs of a family going through a difficult period; 
  • workshops for developing parental skills; 
  • individual or family follow-up.

Youth Protection Services 

The mission of Youth Protection is to offer second-line services to young persons aged 0 to 18 years and their families to ensure their safety and development, under the Youth Protection Act (YPA) and the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)
Youth Protection offers services on a voluntary or court-ordered basis, in the following situations: 

  • Abandonment 
  • Neglect 
  • Psychological abuse 
  • Sexual abuse 
  • Physical abuse 
  • Behavioural disorders 

Youth Protection receives case reports, evaluates them and, if necessary, offers follow-up to the family. It is also responsible for recruiting and following up foster families, in partnership with Nunavimi Ilagiit Papatauvinga. In the case of young offenders, Youth Protection evaluates the youth and his infraction and, if necessary, formulates recommendations on the sentence and ensures follow-up. 

Rehabilitation Services 

Rehabilitation services offer social-adjustment or rehabilitation services to young persons aged 0 to 18 years who, because of their behavioural, psychosocial or family difficulties, require supervision and support. In Nunavik, rehabilitation services include: 

  • An external educator service offered in the 14 communities. These educators work directly in the family to prevent placement or to reintegrate the youth into the family; 
  • Two rehabilitation centres for a mixed clientele aged 6 to 12 years; 
  • Two group homes for a mixed clientele aged 12 to 18 years; 
  • A rehabilitation centre for a male clientele aged 12 to 18 years; 
  • A rehabilitation centre for a female clientele aged 12 to 18 years; 
  • An closed-custody unit for boys serving a sentence under the YCJA. 

These services may be solicited by Youth Protection as well as social services, except in the case of closed custody, which does not concern Youth Protection.

Nunavimmi Ilagiit Papatauvinga

Nunavimmi Ilagiit Papatauvinga means “Where Nunavik families feel safe.” It is a center offering culturally adapted care for Nunavik’s children, youth and families.

Nunavimmi Ilagiit Papatauvinga aims to build integrated family services based on Inuit knowledge and ways, so that the Youth Protection Act be used as the law of exception.